Thursday, September 16, 2010


Roaller coasters are so fun. They come in all differen't sizes,shape and color. theres big, small, up side down, fast and slow i like them all.Some people love them and some people dont like them.There are always a hight post to see if you can make it to go on the roaller coaster. I can make the hieght post.


  1. Please correct your spelling!!! But I would NEVER go on that rollercoaster picture that you have,,no way, no how!!!

  2. Ok Collin, you couldn't pay me to go on that thing!! You know Megan and Ryan would be first in line though! HA!

  3. Wait until you get older, you will see the relation to your roller coaster synopsis with alot of things. Ha. Ask me about it when you are around 18 and I will explain.

    Uncle Mokey.
