Monday, April 25, 2011


This year i'm playing baseball my team is the milwaukee brewers, i've had about five practices and my first game is wednesday i cant wait. I no my couch really well beacuse he has to sons one in 7th grade and one in 5th grade ,,,evan is in fith grade and he is on my team. My dad is a helper couch. My mom & dad got me a batting helmet batting gloves and sliding pant for easter

Monday, April 4, 2011

spring break

Spring break starts April 19 threw April 25. I'm going to hangout  with my friends and play some football. I'm not going any were. So i will have no school if i get my work done by April I hope the weather is good that week. I am going to kayaking and conoeing in the river. I am proboly hav sleepovers and manhunt.